Tuesday, October 16, 2012

3 months have come and gone!

Hey Bloggers! I know it's been forever. It's been a crazy 3 months. First of all my family came out to visit from Missouri. They stayed with us for a week and then we went up to Tooele for weekend. I also started school on the 20th of August. Woo hoo! I love all my classes. I'm taking Geology, History (favorite class), CIS (least favorite class), and Co-Op. It's definitely an easy semester. I also recently got a new job. I work at The UPS Store now. I have been working there for a week now and I love it! It was a lot to learn but I caught on quick. It's a fun place to work and I love everyone there. They really treat you great and they are so professional. My brother moved in with us as well. It's been a lot of fun having him here. We both got to go through the job hunting together. It was fun having all that time off together though. Played lots of basketball together. It's fun living with just family now. No more weird roommates. Here are a few pictures to re-cap everything that has been going on:

                       I got to hang out with my friend, Erik. We went on a double date with my friends, Brittany and Jordan. We went up to Park City and did the alpine slide. It was sooo much fun. 

My Family came to visit. Went out and took my brother Palmers' Sr. Pictures. My dad wanted some as well. haha!

I love this one! He looks so great! Can't believe he's already a Sr. 

Went on a hike with Nate and Preston once he moved here. We have been back there 4 times now since Preston Moved here. He loves hiking!

We got play basketball a lot. It's our workout/get out of the house routine. 

I got bored tonight and took some sweet shots. 

Anyway, that's about it. Hope you enjoyed the catch up. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Good in this world

I know you have all heard about the recent event of the shooting in Colorado. When I heard the story it just made me sick to my stomach. I tried to put myself in those people's shoes. I couldn't imagine being at a movie, enjoying myself, and then having some guy start shooting up the place. It blows my mind to think about how messed up someone had to be to do that. There is a part of me that is really interested to know what exactly was going through his mind, or just what he was going through in life to make him act out in that way. Anyway, I'm sure you have also seen the picture going around of Christian Bale visiting the patients that were injured. I think it shows such great character to do that. Seeing the picture brought tears to my eyes. There is a lot of evil in the world today but I think we all need to remember the good things as well. I'm not saying we need to ignore the evil.. (no need to be ignorant).. but I don't think we should dwell on it too much. There are a lot of good people out there who do great things. I think a lot of times people tend to dwell too much on the negative. It's all they seem to remember. So I wanna just give a shout out to all you people out there who are amazing! You really do make the world a better place. Donations given, time and effort given at Charity events, service projects done by so many people for many different things. There are so many things that we all can do and have done to make this world a better place. I wish that we didn't have opposition in all things, but that's not how life works. We have to go through hard times to really appreciate the good times. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Can't Wait!

I cannot wait to be a wife and mother. So I get on Pinterest every day. It's the best thing ever made. haha. My favorite category is Food and Drinks. I have found so many amazing recipes on there and have actually made them. So far I have done Chicken Salad Lettuce Wraps,  Chicken Taco Chili (made that twice already and went through it way fast both times), Meat "muffins" (instead of meat loaf, you bake in a muffin pan), and homemade mac-n-cheese. The mac-n-cheese I actually came up with by myself because I didn't have any sauce at home so I just threw stuff together, but then saw it on pinterest the next day. Anyway, I just keep pinning so many recipes and I can't wait to start making more new things. It's been a lot of fun cooking and I'm excited to cook for someone other than just myself. 
Cheesy Chicken & Broccoli. This is my next dish to make. Looks so yummy!

Chicken Asparagus Roll Ups. I have been trying to find good recipes using asparagus. This looks divine. Can't wait to try this. 

Chicken Salad Lettuce Wrap. I love Chicken Salad so I thought I'd try it on something other than croissants. It was actually pretty good, but I felt like I wasted a whole head of lettuce. 

Chicken Taco Chili. This is so yummy. Once it's done I just add sour cream and cheese and then just dip chips in it. Best Chili I have ever had. Shared it with my friends at work and they loved it. 

This looks like vomit but I think it would be delicious. I'm gonna try it. I'll keep you posted on how it turns out. 

This I just made tonight. I added my own ketchup frosting. haha. They were good, but I would go with a leaner meat next time. These were too greasy but still yummy.

All these recipes were so easy to make, and fed me for a few days. I didn't have to throw away any left overs. Can't wait for all the other recipes I have to try out. Wish me luck on my cooking spree. haha. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Funny Stuff

I just love Pinterest. I spend hrs on it. Here are just some things I thought were so funny:

These would seriously always cut my lips. haha

Seriously.. who could hate cats? They are so cute.

This makes me laugh so hard.. haha

I want one!

I love how dogs always act so innocent. :)

So true.. I hate drivers like this. 

My sister is always putting her hair up when she eats. She just needs this. 

haha. Too funny.. too bad dude.. she's dead now.. 

I hope my husband does this if our son wears his pants like that. 

All of these make me laugh. The look on his face.. makes anyone feel dumb. haha

That's right men! This is how I will be. 

Hope you all enjoyed. 

Busy Week

I have had a busy, but way fun week. It started off with last Sunday. I went to the Virgin River with my friends, Nate, Jonathan, Jordan, Brayden... and their friends Allen, and Britt. It was seriously one of the funnest trips ever. They made a sweet rope swing. They tied a skateboard to the bottom and they would just push you. They would also tie a metal pole to it and then you could hang upside down. My legs are still so sore from it, but it was a blast. 
I worked all week, except for Tuesday. Tuesday I kept myself pretty busy with laundry and cleaning our apartment. Tuesday night I went with Nate, Jordan, and Brayden up to Dixie rock just to check out the view. The weather hasn't been too bad so it was perfect up there. I really like spending time with those guys. They are a lot of fun. 
(Side note: We moved out of Dixie Dynasty and now live at Dixie Temple Townhomes. I love our new place. I have the master bedroom so I get my own bathroom. We have way more storage and a garage. No one wants to park in it, so I get it all to myself. Woot woot!)
So anyway, I spent part of Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday cleaning the old apartment. It was so dirty. Took me so long. So I'm really hoping that we get our deposit back. Wednesday was the 4th of July. I worked in the day and had the whole night off. I didn't really do much. Just hung out at the house, made some yummy dinner and then walked over to the Dixie Sunbowl to watch the fireworks. They were amazing this year. I'm so glad I went. I was alone, but it was awesome. Fireworks are my favorite thing in the whole world. They give me the chills. They set the fireworks to music too, so it was so amazing. Thursday I didn't really do too much. Just worked and hung out with Nate. Friday I worked and then went to lunch with Nate and Jordan. We went to this place called Patio Grill. It's actually really good. Then we went to Ted later that night. That move is so so funny. Laughed lots! I snuck in some Mac-N-Cheese from Harmon's and a huge Arizona drink. Best movie snacks ever! :) Saturday was my lazy day. I seriously just watched Futurama all day, worked at 4:30 and then went grocery shopping with Nate and made Chili with him. Today we went back to the river. We didn't swing much this time cause our legs were still pretty sore but we just had fun relaxing. All in all it was a pretty sweet week! This has been one of the best summers ever! I'm glad I have lots of friends to spend it with. 

Our fun River trip (July 1st)

This dog was so rad!

My favorite picture

And the 4th of July
Some of the fireworks. I should have taken more but I just wanted to see all of them. They were going off in 3 different locations.